Train Day

The annual “Train Day” celebration is set for this Saturday May 4th in downtown Hope. Events begin at 7am with the 5k registration.
The race itself starts at 8am. The kid’s fun run starts at 9am. At 9:30am, there will be a prayer and opening ceremony for Train Day followed by the 5k awards. At 9:30am the Beryl Henry Elementary Choir will perform. Dancetastics Dance Studio will have a showcase at 10:30am. A cake walk is set for noon and the Hope High Choir performs at 1pm. The car show awards will be announced at 2pm and the Hope High Drumline will peform at 2pm also. At 2:30pm, the Hope HIgh Jazz Band will perform. The Baggo Tournament is set for 3pm and the ribs will be picked up for judging in the cooking contest at 3:30pm. At 4:45pm the rib winners and the Baggo Tournament winners will be announced. The Nighthawk Band performs at 5pm and at 6pm “South Down Main” performs. For more info with the Hope Train Day Facebook page. Most activites will take place in the stage in front of the Depot. The vendors and kid’s activities will be on Division near the Arts Station/Cairo-Fulton Depot. The rib cook-off will be on Main Street and rib plates will be sold. The Baggo Tournament will be on 2nd Street. T-shirts will be sold at the depot and the car show will be on Main Street.