City worker injured in Sunday electric mishap

PRESCOTT – A city electric department employee was seriously injured in a Sunday evening mishap.

According to Prescott Mayor Terry Oliver, Lynn Gillard and Bill Hubbard were checking out a transformer problem on Joyce Street around 6 p.m. Sunday, June 2. Hubbard was on the ground while Gillard was in the bucket. Apparently Gillard touched a live wire or something while working on the transformer and received a jolt of electricity.

Oliver said he wasn’t knocked out of the bucked, but slumped down. Hubbard got him to the ground, called the Nevada County Ambulance Service. The NCAS called for Air Life and Gillard was taken to UAMS and later transferred to the burn unit at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. He suffered burns on his shoulders, arms and chest, Oliver said, and could be hospitalized for several weeks. Most of the burns, according to Oliver, were second and third degree.