Hope School Board
The Hope School Board met Monday June 17th at the School Administration Building. Superintendent Dr. Bobby Hart welcomed new member Alvis Hamilton. The board reorganized after last month’s school board elections. Willie Buck was reelected President, Linda Haynes Vice-president, and Kathryn Dickinson as Secretary. Dickinson then assumed.leadership of the meeting in the absence of Buck and Haynes.
During the look at the expenditures, Dr. Hart noted the district is expecting about $840,000 from the state and two local taxes meaning the district should finish June with about $3 million on hand. He said that’s in line with the state’s requirement of maintaining a 20% budget balance.
School Improvement Specialist Carla Narlesky gave the “45 day reports”. She noted HAPS won a Master Gardeners award for “Denny’s Place”. She also talked about the Hope High curriculum. Mrs. Narlesky also talked about “Title 1” programs at Hope High as did Federal Programs Coordinator Portia Jones. She also answered questions about a program at Clinton Primary called “Eureka Math”. Narlesky then detailed school improvement plans for each campus. She said they asked the schools to keep goals simple.
The board looked at certified personnel policy revisions. They rejected a bereavement policy change and to maintain the current policy. The board also rejected a policy to pay employees twice a month as opposed to the current once a month payment. A proposed policy was also rejected that would strike the requirement for a doctor’s excuse after three days.
Under classified.personnel.policy proposals, the board extended bereavement leave from 3 days to 5 days but rejected the proposed change in definition of family. The board accepted the rest of the policy changes.
The board approved all the student handbook changes with the exception of the HAPS campus and that deals with wearing athletic pants.
The board approved the Arkansas School Board Association revisions on school policies. The board agreed not to allow advertising on school buses. The board looked at expansion of the board’s ability to purchase commodities up to $20,000 without bids. The board also rejected a policy on excess food and adopted a district water bottle policy. With the previously mentioned exceptions, the board approved the policies.
The board looked at a transfer request from a student from South Pike County to transfer to Hope to attend the Collegiate Academy. It was approved.
The board looked at a federal programs parental survey. No action was needed.
The board considered a facilities request from the Clinton Primary PTO to use Jones Field House for a benefit ball game in October. The board approved it.
Dr. Bobby Hart noted Mrs. Cletus Coulter’s migrant education program review. No action was needed. The board also looked at a letter from the state due to the district’s disproportionate number of suspensions and expulsions of special education students. Dr. Hart noted an answer has been submitted to the state.
Personnel matters closed out the meeting.