Hope Kiwanis Hears Program On Wadley
The Hope Kiwanis Club heard from Shelby Brown of Wadley Regional Medical Center. Brown said the Hope hospital is licensed for 79 bed at the moment but they will decrease the licensure to 50 beds in the near future. She said this will still be more than adequate for the hospital’s regular census and could result in the hospital realizing extra revenue of up to $200,000 per year. Brown says operating a hospital in a small town is always challenging and the change could be a help to the facility’s bottom line. Brown talked about some of the upgrades the hospital has done over the past seven years including a new roof and upgrading the HVAC. Brown says the hospital has invested in new equipment for outpatient services. She talked about the new MRI that has been purchased in recent years as well as a CT scanner, utrasound, and digital mammography machine. Brown charged the Kiwanians to support the hospital and to take advantage of the services offered here locally.