2019 Annual Jazz Festival Celebrating the birthdays of President Clinton and the National Park Service

Join Park Rangers from the National Park Service President William J. Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site in celebrating the 102nd Birthday of the National Park Service and the 72nd birthday of President William Jefferson Clinton.
Saturday August 24th starting at 4:00 p.m. live musicians from New Orleans, Dallas, and Prescott will perform throughout the evening.
Showcasing their talents Prescott, Arkansas native Kenneth Wiley, from Dallas, Texas will be G-Code and from New Orleans Louisiana, The National Park’s Service own Arrowhead Jazz band.
The festival will take place inside the Virginia Clinton Kelley Memorial Garden on the grounds of the National Historic Site on the corner of Division and Hervey.
For more information contact 870-777-4455. The event is free and open to the public.
President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site visitor center is open daily from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Admission is free. For more information call (870) 777- 4455.