Two litters of pigs born at PHS’s “Animal Farm”

PRESCOTT – There’s been a new addition to the livestock class at Prescott High School.
Recently two sows gave birth. One had 13 piglets while the other had 12. Three of the piglets died, leaving each sow with 11.
Four more sows could give birth in March, according to Darren Neal, Nevada County Agent. Gabe Morman, instructor for the animal husbandry class said the piglets would normally be weaned at six weeks, but these litters will likely be weaned early, around four weeks, as they’re already being fed show food.
Neal instructed a group of students the fundamentals of showing a pig at the fair, teaching them to gently use the crop to get the pig to go where they want.
Morman said Carter Neal and Kage Hillery will be showing pigs at this year’s Nevada County Livestock Show, and Hunter Hicks will show a sheep. Students will also have rabbits entered in this year’s fair.
Morman said many of the students in the district have never seen baby pigs and are amazed at how fast they grow. He added, students from all campuses regularly visit the “farm” to see the pigs.