NRA banquet well attended

PRESCOTT – Fans of the Second Amendment were out in force Saturday for the annual Piney Woods Chapter of the Friends of the NRA banquet.

The banquet was held at the Potlatch Building at the Nevada County Fairgrounds and was filled with firearms of all kinds, along with plenty of other items to be raffled off or purchased at the silent auction.

Patrons roamed around the building, checking out the different weapons, seeing what was on the auction table and generally looking for things they couldn’t live without. However, the weapons were all either raffled off or sold at auction, and everyone had a good time trying their luck at both.

The festivities kicked off with Brandon Stewart auctioning off a loaf of banana nut bread and an old fashioned dinner triangle. The winner got to get in line for dinner behind the veterans. After the meal, it was time to get serious and get the auctions going. Garland school’s shooting team was presented with a check for $3,500 as funds raised from these banquets and auctions go to fun school shooting sports.