Blevins board hears report to public

BLEVINS – One of the first matters the Blevins School Board addressed at its October meeting Monday night, was the Annual Report to the Public.

The Elementary and High Schools recently received their annual assessments for the 2018-2019 school year. Superintendent Dixon reviewed the reports with the board, pointing out several matters of note. Dixon said both the elementary and high schools received an overall grade of C. While this is a passing grade, Dixon voiced concern the numerical values those letters represented were dangerously close to becoming Ds. She said once a school’s score drops to a D, it is very difficult to reverse the process. There were a few matters Dixon attributed the C grades to, but her primary concern was academics. When Dixon entered her position as superintendent, she resolved to improve the district’s financial and academic situations. The financial situation has improved, even from where it was just a year ago, but the academics are still ailing. Dixon resolved to focus on improving academics this school year, and asked the school board to hold her accountable for as much. 

Other future improvements Dixon wanted to focus on included supplementing instruction better, increasing the bus fleet, weighing financial wants vs. needs more strictly, and increasing parental involvement. The complete elementary and high school ESSA performance reports are currently available on the Blevins School District’s web page, under State Required Information.

The school board also addressed the Annual GT Report to the Public, adopted a new policy for the use of the school district’s new Driver’s Ed. vehicle, updated a policy now requiring classified employee background checks to be renewed every five years, and accepted an agreement with the PTO for the operation of concessions during home basketball games. The first official game of the basketball season will be on October 22, at Emerson. For a full account of the meeting’s minutes, they can be found on the Blevins School District’s web page.