Good crowd for Movie in the Park Saturday night

PRESCOTT – More than 100 people gathered at City Park to watch a movie presented by the Prescott Junior Auxiliary.

In keeping with the spirit of the season, the JA members screened “Hocus Pocus”. Just like at the movies, the JA members had a concession stand with movie favorites including: soft drinks, popcorn, pickles, cotton candy, various types of candies and three kinds of pizza – hamburger, cheese and pepperoni. The pavilion was decorated in a Halloween theme.

Those coming to watch the movie brought blankets and lawn chairs. Youngsters bought glow sticks and had fun running around with them once it got dark enough. The largest crowd arrived around 7 p.m., though the movie wasn’t to be shown until 7:30. It didn’t matter as people flocked to the concession stand to load up on goodies.

The money raised from the movie in the park will be used for youth activities. Prescott’s JA is focusing on young people, doing mentoring programs and taking hygiene products to schools. The club will be taking over the Easter Egg Hunt next year, and plans to have holiday baskets for the needy this holiday season.