Anna Kate Childress Crowned as GMCS Homecoming Queen

“A Night in Greece” was the theme for the 2019 Homecoming Ceremony for the Garrett Memorial Christian School. During the school ceremony the homecoming maids were escorted by fellow classmates and for the crowning ceremony the maids were escorted by their fathers. Brother Neil Riding was the emcee for the evening. During the evening ceremony, 2018 Homecoming Queen Hannah Lloyd crowned Anna Kate Childress as the 2019 Homecoming Queen
Kindergarten attendants: Jaxx Hurd escorting Bentlee Santifer and Lorraine McKelvy
Sophomore Maid: Olivia Childress escorted by Max Garcia and Gary Childress
Junior Maid: Marie Akard escorted by Mace Hadley and Randy Akard
Senior Maids:
Gracie Cearley escorted by Bo Revels and Chris Cearly
Anna Kate Childress escorted by Tanner Harris and Gary Childress
Whitley Richards escorted by Ty Watkins and Oak Tree Richards
Ashton Willis escorted by Landon Rosenbaum and Bob Willis
Trinity Willis escorted by Rayden Vines and Billy Willis Jr
2019 Homecoming Queen Anna Kate Childress