Special Hempstead County Quorum Court Meeting

The Hempstead County Quorum Court held a special meeting Monday December 2nd at the old Farmers Bank location. The meeting opened with JP Steve Atchley telling the JP’s he thinks the public wants the county to move on to refurbishing the bank building. He said 2 ordinances had been prepared setting a special election for March 3rd to allow the voters to decide on a 1% county-wide sales tax for two years to raise funds to renovate the new courthouse. The tax would sunset after two years. The first ordinance would levy the sales tax and the other ordinance would set the election. After discussion, the ordinance to levy the tax passed unanimously. The JP’s then passed an ordinance setting a special election for March 3rd on the proposed sales tax. The tax would be collected starting July 1st 2020 and would be collected until the end of June 2022. JP Atchley said the county will not be out any money as this will be the regular primary election. This ordinance passed unanimously. The meeting then adjourned.
The next meeting will be December 19th and the budget will be considered.