Christmas and Candlelight

The Historic Washington State Park held their 33rd Annual Christmas in Candlelight on Saturday, December 7. Luminaries lined the roads and sidewalks throughout the state park. You could take a horse drawn surrey ride through the park or you could stroll the candlelit boarded sidewalks to each of the homes. The homes were decorated to their 19th century time era, with evergreens, magnolias, grapevines, and pine cones. 

Music and special performances could be heard in the WPA Gym, Royston House, Washington Methodist Church, Washington Presbyterian Church, the 1874 Courthouse, and the Williams Tavern Restaurant were you could enjoy a Christmas buffet.

The Christmas and Candlelight will take place again on Saturday, December 14 with daylight tours beginning at 1:00pm and going on until 8:00pm; the luminaries will be lit at dark and music groups and choirs performing throughout the park will begin at 5:00pm. 

Tickets are $10.00 for adults $6.00 for children ages 6-12 (plus tax).