Charitable Christian Medical Clinic Seeking Assistance

By Staff, 02/25/20 9:51 AM

The Charitable Christian Medical Clinic of Hope meets every Thursday night from 5:00-7:00 at the clinic based in Downtown Hope. They meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month. The clinic provides free medical and spiritual help for those without health insurance. They have a team of doctors, nurses, counselors, pharmacists, and volunteer staff members.

As a Christian Clinic they not only look to provide the community with medical assistance, but they choose to help the soul too, the attendees offer spiritual counseling and prayers according to the teachings from Jesus Christ and his written word.

The clinic is asking for assistance from local churches, they would like for the churches to help provide meals during each of their meetings. For those interested in providing meals please contact Brenda Swinney at 870-703-8011 or at 870-777-3186.

The clinic is also in need of translators for Spanish-English. If you would like to volunteer your services please contact the clinic at 870-826-7060.