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NHS graduation postponed; options examined

By Staff, 04/14/20 2:02 PM

ROSSTON – After Sunday’s storms, the most important thing for the Nevada School District was saving 30,000 pounds of food.

This came from Nevada Superintendent Rick McAfee, who said the food is to feed the district’s students. He spent Monday looking for a refrigerated truck to transfer the food to until power was restored. McAfee said the district will likely be looking into purchasing a gas generator for the cafeteria for the next time a storm leaves the area without electricity. “We’ll have to spend monty to get it fixed.”

With Gov. Asa Hutchinson cancelling school the remainder of the year, McAfee said graduation is up in the air. The district, he added, doesn’t want to do a drive through graduation because it can’t control people and keep them from getting out of their vehicles. A virtual graduation might be held. Regardless, the district postponed the original graduation date and an actual ceremony could be held this summer after social distancing is reduced and approved by the Arkansas Department of Health.

On top of this, the district is also having to postpone its planned millage election. The district, McAfee said, isn’t seeking a millage increase, it’s just asking to keep what it has. The district has operated on the same millage since its inception 32 years ago. However, the millage is about to expire and the district needs the income to properly operate the school and provide a safe environment for the students. This, too, will wait until the ADH gives the clearance. The election could be held after school starts in August or sometime in Septemeber.