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COVID-19 Update

By Staff, 05/6/20 7:52 PM

As of Wednesday evening, Arkansas had 3,611 confirmed COVID-19 cases.  There have been 2,123 recoveries.  A sizable number of infections are in prisons.  Forrest City Correctional Institute had 301 confirmed.  Of the 72 new cases on Wednesday, 20 were in Cummins Prison.

Hempstead County is holding steady at 7 confirmed cases, 4 recoveries, and 1 death.

Nevada County has 2 confirmed cases and 1 recovery.

Lafayette County rises to 9 confirmed cases, 5 recoveries, and 1 death.

Little River County still has no confirmed cases.  103 have been tested and all tests were negative.

Howard County has 14 cases and 13 recoveries.