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Hope City Board

By Staff, 06/2/20 7:51 PM

The Hope City Board met Tuesday in a virtual meeting for their first meeting of June. Following the opening prayer and the Pledge of aligiance the board reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting.

The board considered allowing the Hope Police to apply for a NHTSA/Arkansas Highway Safety Office Step grant. The P.D. is seeking $30,932. The local in-kind match would be $14,945.78. $3,000 would go to purchase and distribution for child car safety seats. The board voted to allow the police to apply for the grant. The city has received this grant annually since 1998.

The board looked at a video of the work done at the Hope Police Department. City Manager Catherine Cook said the work is virtually finished and there is a small “punch” list to finish. Cook said it came in a little under budget. Police Chief J.R. Wilson thanked the board for the new addition.

The board got an update on the swimming pool problems. Several lines were checked by camera. Cook said there is a problem with the sand filters and a problem with the drain line, Cook said Hope Water and Light has removed”media” from the sand filters. They are putting new media and are also replacing the some water diffusers. This will take about three weeks. The city will also fix a valve in the bottom prior to filling the pool. Interim Parks Director Summer Powell also was on hand to answer questions. She noted the sand should cost about $250 for the two tanks. Cook said they do have video from the underground lines below the pool. Mark Ross asked about fixing any lines with material that coats the inside of faulty pipes and Cook said that is a possibility. No action was taken.

Under the City Manager’s Report, Catherine Cook noted they will be opening bids on the city hall roof soon. Cook also noted she’d sent info on the plaque to go at the Hub. She discussed another sign for that area. Cook also said she wants to rebid some mowing. The board concurred. Cook also gave an update on the Street Scape project and plans will be sent to the highway department by the end of this month. Cook also noted A T.&T. is working to move utilities on 6th. Dr. Trevor Coffee asked about storm damage to the Hub. Cook said Jeremy Stone is working to see if they can get more support for the gutters on the Hub.

Mark Ross said he is getting lots of compliments on the Main Street planters. Cook said the park has mowed the Kopecky property and will also work on the Atwood’s parking lot. Mark Ross asked about some big bushes on the city property and the Feild house. Also discussed was taking down a chain link fence around the Atwood parking lot. The street committee meeting was discussed. Cook said City tax revenue was not down as far as the state’s. She asked the street committee to meet in the coming week. She asked that they consider doing part of the street program with the idea if revenue is good, they will do more. Also, Vice-Mayor Don Still asked about the city board meeting in person. Cook noted they could do so with social distancing. Cook commended the board on their use of virtual meetings. Mark Ross complimented Darrell Allen for his help. The meeting the adjourned.