Scout Troop 5 Honors Elmer Smith

By Staff, 06/4/20 1:45 PM
Troop 5 recently honored Hope Army veteran Elmer Smith by properly folding
his US burial flag in a new display case made to also hold his medals and
insignia. An added bonus included a special US flag that was flown over
Washington, DC dedicated to Mr. Smith’s service.  The US flag was placed in
its own display case after the Scouts properly folded it.
Jeremy Dillard, son of Sandra Patterson, works in the US Department of
Veteran’s Affairs in the Capitol and arranged for Senator Tom Cotton to
sponsor the dedication.
Teena Smith, Mr. Smith’s daughter, met with Troop 5 where they presented the
flags and cases to her at the Golden Circle at the Harlan Scout Center.
Pictured are L to R:  Kody O’Brien, Hunter Mathis, Teena Smith, Josh Henley,
Mary Martinez, D’Aunna Golden, Jacia Hicks, Emma Wright, Sterling Sawyer,
Donnie Golden, Drake Golden, Ed Flagg, Cody Golden.
Troop 5 is sponsored by the Century Bible Class of Hope’s First United
Methodist Church.