Livestock report
FEEDER CATTLESTEERS – Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)HeadWt RangeAvg WtPrice RangeAvg Price12300-345320158.00-185.00168.91 17350-395376152.00-175.00164.35 16400-445424142.00-158.00149.43 7450-495476130.00-145.00138.06 7505-545526125.00-135.00130.29 11550-595568125.00-130.00127.38 14600-635618120.00-132.00126.51 2680-695688123.00-128.00125.53 3710-745725123.00-129.00127.04 2715-735725129.00-133.00131.03 Value Added4775-790783120.00-126.00123.75 2755-760758129.00-131.00130.00 Value Added2820-845833125.00-126.00125.49
STEERS – Medium and Large 2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)HeadWt RangeAvg WtPrice RangeAvg Price5325-345339135.00-140.00137.01 5365-395377135.00-137.00135.41 1435435126.00126.00 4465-485476120.00-124.00121.48 2535-545540110.00-114.00111.98
HEIFERS – Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)Compared to last week: Feeder steers 2.00-4.00 higher. Feeder heifers under 550 lbs. 2.00-5.00 higher except 300-400 lbs. were 10.00higher; over 550 lbs. 1.00-2.00 lower. Slaughter cows steady to 2.00 lower. Slaughter bulls steady. Quality was average. Supply included: 80% Feeder Cattle (40% Steers, 49% Heifers, 11% Bulls); 17% Slaughter Cattle (85% Cows, 15% Bulls); 3% Replacement Cattle (21% Stock Cows, 14% Bred Cows, 64% Cow-Calf Pairs). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 27%.
AUCTIONThis WeekLast Reported9/3/2020Last YearTotal Receipts:9027511,059Feeder Cattle:722(80.0%)608(81.0%)830(78.4%)Slaughter Cattle:155(17.2%)113(15.0%)204(19.3%)Replacement Cattle:25(2.8%)30(4.0%)25(2.4%)Livestock Weighted Average Report for 9/10/2020 – FinalSource: USDA AMS Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News AR Dept of Ag Market News Little Rock, AR | (501) 823-1711 | | 1 of 3Hope Livestock Auction – Hope, ARAMS Livestock, Poultry, & Grain Market NewsArkansas Dept of Ag Mrkt NewsThu Sep 10, 2020Email us with accessibility issues with this report.
HeadWt RangeAvg WtPrice RangeAvg Price10300-345329140.00-155.00146.94 10350-380364139.00-151.00144.59 4415-430425122.00-137.00127.17 19450-495467120.00-127.00123.10 20500-545524115.00-122.00119.09 4525-545540105.00-110.00108.78 Fleshy2505-535520155.00-160.00157.43 Replacement16550-595569113.00-125.00118.00 2550-575563102.00-105.00103.47 Fleshy14600-640614114.00-121.00116.43 9670-695684105.00-121.00115.30 6700-745726110.00-117.00114.18 4710-740729115.00-123.00120.22 Value Added2755-785770100.00-108.00104.08 1760760118.00118.00 Value Added
HEIFERS – Medium and Large 2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)HeadWt RangeAvg WtPrice RangeAvg Price4300-335315120.00-122.00120.99 7355-385374115.00-125.00118.57 4400-435426109.00-116.00111.30 4460-490478109.00-110.00109.75 2500-520510105.00105.00 BULLS – Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)HeadWt RangeAvg WtPrice RangeAvg Price6475-490483120.00-133.00127.82 5500-545526115.00-122.00118.18 7550-595563110.00-115.00113.88 6600-635611110.00-116.00113.34 8655-695667100.00-114.00107.82
SLAUGHTER CATTLECOWS – Breaker 75-80% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)HeadWt RangeAvg WtPrice RangeAvg PriceDressing41235-1305128354.00-57.0055.75 Average
COWS – Boner 80-85% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)HeadWt RangeAvg WtPrice RangeAvg PriceDressing441020-1475120153.00-61.0056.97 Average31100-1375127562.00-64.0062.72 HighSource: USDA AMS Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News AR Dept of Ag Market News Little Rock, AR | (501) 823-1711 | | 2 of 3Hope Livestock Auction – Hope, ARAMS Livestock, Poultry, & Grain Market NewsArkansas Dept of Ag Mrkt NewsThu Sep 10, 2020Email us with accessibility issues with this report.