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Rosston council sworn in

By Staff, 01/12/21 9:48 AM

ROSSTON – Members of the Rosston City Council were sworn in prior to the start of the January meeting Monday night.

Nevada County Clerk Julie Oliver was on hand to swear the councilmen into office. Once this was done, it was on to business, where the council approved a resolution of intent for the rural water project the city will be doing. The project includes sanding and painting the water tank and installing new water meters.

Overall, the project will cost $545,652 and will be paid for through bonds issued by the city. AL Franks Engineering of Texarkana is overseeing the project. Rosston Mayor Dale Quarles said the meters could be done first as weather will be a factor in the project, adding it’s time to replace the old meters.

The community was also notified it’s been approved for a Rural Services Block Grant for $68,900 to purchase a new firetruck for the Rosston Volunteer Fire Department. However, because of the COVID-19 situation, there will be no formal award ceremony in Little Rock. Quarles said the city is looking for a truck, and has found several, but wants to be sure the VFD gets what it needs when it comes to fighting fires. In addition,  he said, future plans are to get turnout gear and equipment for the firemen as they’re all volunteers.

The final order of business was to discuss a park committee. Quarles said he’ll be forming a committee to decide what to do with what was initially the Rosston Baseball Field. Years ago, the city planned to construct three baseball fields outside of town, one for baseball, one for softball and one for T-ball. However, plans stalled and Quarles worked to get the property turned over to the City of Rosston to be used as a park. There will still be one baseball field, he said, but he’s urging the council to get input from area residents on what else they’d like to see there, such as a basketball court or pavilion. He said there are a lot of grants available for this type project and the city will be applying for them. However, a plan needs to be in place should the grants be approved. He also pointed out the city will need to find a way to pay for any match should it be required. Quarles said the Prescott-Nevada County Economic Development Office will help find and apply for grants.

Councilman Johnny Kelley asked why the summer baseball program couldn’t use the field at the Nevada School. Quarles said that field belongs to the Nevada School District and the park will belong to everyone who wants to come and enjoy it. The park will be a hot topic for Quarles this year.