Livestock report

STEERS – Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
7 300-335 314 155.00-172.00 162.56
3 355-380 370 155.00 155.00
3 400-440 415 155.00-162.00 157.47
8 450-495 476 142.00-157.00 150.40
3 485 485 157.00 157.00 Value Added
8 500-540 522 145.00-158.00 151.80
4 510-535 523 157.00-158.00 157.49 Value Added
4 550-590 571 138.00-147.00 144.09
7 600-645 611 130.00-140.00 131.69
3 605 605 150.00 150.00 Value Added
2 655-675 665 130.00-133.00 131.52
STEERS – Medium and Large 2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
7 300-345 326 135.00-145.00 142.06
2 365-375 370 140.00 140.00
4 400-435 410 135.00-138.00 135.73
1 470 470 128.00 128.00
1 505 505 120.00 120.00
1 575 575 120.00 120.00
HEIFERS – Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
No trend due to no sale last week and limited receipts the week before. Feeder cattle were selling higher than they were two weeks ago.
Limited receipts this week also. Quality was average. Buyer activity was limited. Supply included: 78% Feeder Cattle (48% Steers, 44%
Heifers, 8% Bulls); 17% Slaughter Cattle (63% Cows, 37% Bulls); 4% Replacement Cattle (92% Bred Cows, 8% Cow-Calf Pairs). Feeder cattle
supply over 600 lbs was 18%.
This Week Last Reported
Last Year
Total Receipts: 464 0 534
Feeder Cattle: 363(78.2%) 0(0.0%) 437(81.8%)
Slaughter Cattle: 81(17.5%) 0(0.0%) 79(14.8%)
Replacement Cattle: 20(4.3%) 0(0.0%) 18(3.4%)
Livestock Weighted Average Report for 2/25/2021 – Final
Source: USDA AMS Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News
AR Dept of Ag Market News
Little Rock, AR | (501) 823-1711 | |
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Hope Livestock Auction – Hope, AR
AMS Livestock, Poultry, & Grain Market News
Arkansas Dept of Ag Mrkt News Thu Feb 25, 2021
Email us with accessibility issues with this report.
4 300-335 326 135.00-145.00 138.72
1 375 375 138.00 138.00
6 405-445 420 135.00-140.00 137.52
15 450-490 472 132.00-137.00 134.44
6 500-545 518 125.00-137.00 132.28
2 515 515 120.00 120.00 Fleshy
6 550-595 564 125.00-133.00 126.64
3 600-640 627 111.00-121.00 116.64
1 605 605 105.00 105.00 Fleshy
2 685-690 688 110.00-119.00 114.52
4 710-745 730 102.00-110.00 105.52
1 750 750 100.00 100.00
HEIFERS – Medium and Large 2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 300-345 327 120.00-125.00 121.76
3 375-380 377 115.00-125.00 120.67
3 425-445 435 115.00-120.00 118.01
1 465 465 119.00 119.00
1 555 555 110.00 110.00
1 615 615 102.00 102.00
BULLS – Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 450-475 463 138.00-142.00 139.99
5 505-545 532 124.00-129.00 127.17
1 575 575 125.00 125.00
2 600-610 605 120.00-125.00 122.48
1 695 695 118.00 118.00
COWS – Breaker 75-80% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price Dressing
1 1455 1455 55.00 55.00 Average
COWS – Boner 80-85% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price Dressing
12 1140-1415 1253 55.00-63.00 59.62 Average
2 1045-1275 1160 42.00-47.00 44.75 Low
COWS – Lean 85-90% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price Dressing
Source: USDA AMS Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News
AR Dept of Ag Market News
Little Rock, AR | (501) 823-1711 | |
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Hope Livestock Auction – Hope, AR
AMS Livestock, Poultry, & Grain Market News
Arkansas Dept of Ag Mrkt News Thu Feb 25, 2021
Email us with accessibility issues with this report.
3 810-985 912 36.00-40.00 37.67 Average
4 760-855 795 25.00-32.00 28.76 Low
BULLS – 1-2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price Dressing
10 1650-1930 1768 80.00-90.00 85.47 Average
1 1915 1915 94.00 94.00 High
2 1475-1675 1575 67.00-71.00 68.87 Low
BRED COWS – Medium and Large 1-2 (Per Head / Actual Wt)
Age Stage Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
2-4 T3 1 1155 1155 1100.00 1100.00
5-8 T2 2 1050-1285 1168 825.00-975.00 907.55
5-8 T3 3 1010-1155 1100 910.00-1050.00 989.65
>8 T2 2 1010-1305 1158 760.00-900.00 838.92
>8 T3 4 1055-1345 1150 775.00-900.00 826.46
COW-CALF PAIRS – Medium and Large 1-2 w/ 150-300 lbs calf (Per Family / Actual Wt)
Age Stage Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
>8 O 1 1240 1240 1000.00 1000.00
Please Note:
The above USDA LPGMN price report is reflective of the majority of classes and grades of livestock offered for sale.
There may be instances where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in
the report. Prices are reported on an FOB basis, unless otherwise noted.
Explanatory Notes:
Stage (Cattle) – Represents pregnancy stage (O = open; T1 = 1st Trimester, 1 to 3 months; T1-2 = 1st/2nd trimester, 1
to 6 months; T2 = 2nd Trimester, 4 to 6 months; T2-3 = 2nd/3rd Trimester, 4 to 9 months; T3 = 3rd Trimester, 7 to 9
months; T1-3 = all trimesters, 1 to 9 months; E = Exposed; B = Bred)
Age – Numerical representation of age in years.
Source: USDA AMS Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News
AR Dept of Ag Market News
Little Rock, AR | (501) 823-1711 | |
Page 3 of 3
Hope Livestock Auction – Hope, AR
AMS Livestock, Poultry, & Grain Market News
Arkansas Dept of Ag Mrkt News Thu Feb 25, 2021
Email us with accessibility issues with this report.