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Hundreds show for Mountain Man Rendezvous

By Staff, 03/15/21 9:15 AM

PRESCOTT – Area residents got the rare opportunity to travel back in time over the weekend as the 37th Annual Mountain Man Rendezvous was held at Prairie D’Ane Battlefield.

More than 200 people took part in the rendezvous, pitching tents and offering a wide variety of 19th century wares. Pretty much anything could be found from handmade tin items to linens, canvas and black powder rifles. Homemade children’s toys were also available, none requiring batteries. Goods being traded wasn’t unusual either, if one camper had something another needed, they’d work out a deal, shake hands and go about their business.

It was a living history lesson as those participating in the rendezvous were dressed in period costume and literally were living the way people die in the 1700s and 1800s. Coonskin caps were plainly visible as were floppy felt hats. Bright colors were also on display, worn by both men and women, though mostly by the men.

Sunday was when competitions were held in hatchet and knife throwing. There were some questions about this as the weather was anything but certain. Fortunately, the rain held off till later in the day.

Those in the rendezvous loved to talk. They’d talk about pretty much anything. One man gave a “history” lesson on the different flags he sold and flew over his tent, others were content to tell complete strangers their life stories and invite them to “set a spell” and have something to eat, even though there was a tent doubling as a cafe.

The rendezvous will continue through the week, though it’s not open to the public.