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YMS project funded

By Ken McLemore/Hope Public Schools, 03/29/21 9:43 PM
HOPE – The Donors Chose program has announced the completion of funding for a project at
Yerger Middle School.
The “Bobcats Hit the Books” project submitted by YMS EAST program teacher Melinda Strike
has been completely funded, according to the announcement by Donors Choose.
“Our team has vetted and fulfilled over 1.7 million classroom project requests that range from
butterfly cocoons to robotics kits to books with diverse characters,” the Donors Chose website
notes. “Many of us are former teachers, so our operation feels like a cross between a startup
and a schoolhouse.”
Strike’s classes have been funded to receive books, graphics materials and digital accessories
for the project.
Classroom projects are catalogued through Donors Choose for selection by individuals,
corporations, civic organizations or other funding entities who contribute to the completion of the
funding need for a particular project. Once fully funded, all materials and equipment for the
project are purchased by Donors Choose and shipped directly to the teacher whose classroom
they will benefit.
Begun in 2000 by a New York public school teacher who created a website for teachers to post
classroom projects for donations online, Donors Choose now serves public schools nationwide.