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Hempstead County Women’s Farm Committee Reads At Garrett Memorial Christian School

By Hempstead County Women's Farm Bureau Committee, 05/10/21 7:55 PM
Doreen Antley & Beth Loyld with the Hempstead County Women’s Farm Committee read the book of the year to the second class at Garrett Memorial Christian School. They recieved their very own copy and set of dairy AG readers. The library also recieved a book to share within the school. The kids enjoyed taking a Dairy Quiz and making a list of Dairy Products. Then at the end they got to enjoy a sweet treat.🍦🍶🔰🐄
Book of the year: Tales Of A DairyGodMother
By:Viola Butler
With the help of his Dairy Godmother, Chuck is taken—poof!—on a memorable and delicious adventure to a dairy farm. He finds out exactly where ice cream comes from and gains an even deeper love and appreciation for his favorite food.