Summer reading program returns

Prescott Nevada County Library Summer Reading Program

The Summer Reading Program is your library’s way to prevent the summer slide by encouraging reading for fun over the summer! 

This summer Prescott/Nevada County Library Summer Reading Program will look a little different due to COVID-19. Our in-person programming will have limited capacity per event, so signing up ahead of time at the library is a must to attend! Registration is required…NO EXCEPTIONS

Limited space is available. Social distancing and facemasks are highly encouraged…PERFOMERS ARE EXEMPT


• Masks are required for ages 5 and up.

• We are practicing social distancing.

• Surfaces are cleaned regularly.

• Deep cleaning is done regularly.

**REGISTRATION will begin Tuesday June 29th…Registration will close once vacancies are filled.

Prescott/Nevada County Library

121 West Main Street

Prescott, AR  71857

Phone Number:  870-887-5846

Fax Number:  870-887-8226

Email: or