Bro. Kenneth Bobo and Five Couples He Married

By Staff, 06/29/21 11:08 AM

Back in this reporter’s youth, there was a lady on his hometown radio station who said her program was about “people you know or wish you did”.  We think this picture falls within that range.  Bro. Kenneth Bobo shared this with us…a photo of him and five couples he married.  These couples all achieved at least fifty years of marriage.  Two in this photo have passed, Linda Bobo and Tommy Landes but all five couples enjoyed at least fifty years of marriage.  Pictured with Bro. Bobo are Phil and Sandra Bobo, J.C. and Linda Bobo, Mr. and Mrs. Cannon Flowers, Terrell and Betty Townsend, and Tommy and Bonnie Landes.

Speaking of Bro. Kenneth, he will celebrate 61 years in the ministry this year.  Our congratulations and best wishes go to him as well wishes for many more years of service!