Boozman visits GAP center

PRESCOTT – Sen. John Boozman was in town Wednesday for a tour of the UAMS GAP facility.

UAMS was represented by Michael Keck, Mark Golden and Nikki Edge. Several local dignitaries were on hand for the visit as well.

Edge said such facilities are a way for UAMS to offer affordable healthcare in communities. She thanked Boozman for the work he’s done with veterans health care, broadband and telemedicine as this, she said, shows he’s involved in the healthcare issue.

Berry Marks, the project manager, said the GAP facility shows people care what’s going on in town. He told those on hand the GAP is trying to provide a lot of different services to the community at little or no cost. “If you don’t make sure you’re healthy,” he said, “there won’t be a community.” Marks talked about how important it is for local and area residents to use the GAP as UAMS has put a lot of time and money in the project.

Prescott is the pilot program with another GAP facility planned later on in the McGehee area. Prescott, though, is the first community in the state with such a program. In discussing the center, Marks said information if collected on iPads and there’s a drive-through window where anyone can have access to all the services offered. He said this includes getting a COVID-19 vaccine on July 17 when a COVID clinic will be held.

Additionally, the center offers HIV testing, blood pressure checks, diabetes information, information on child abuse and sex abuse.

Boozman thanked UAMS for having the foresight to develop such a center, saying it meets a need, but there’s more need in Arkansas. He said UAMS knows communities will support them, and this is all about working together. He pointed out healthcare is difficult to get even in larger cities.

He was given a tour of the facility and talked with those there.

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