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Williams’ third grade Santa letters

By submitted, 12/23/21 8:13 AM

Dear Santa,

How is you day going today? I need a PS5 use my borthse are twkeing cochori. First, they like to come into my rum and play it. Next, they play it all day and niht. That is what I think is the best.


Ajou Block

Dear Santa,

Are you having a good day? I am writing to tell you what I want. I will like a new minecraft disk. I want a xbox one.


Kodd Marlar

Dear Santa,

First, how is your snowy day? Next, how are your elves? Last, I would like vbarks and apex coins.



Dear Santa,

How do you make your reindeer fly? I am writing this to tell  you what I want for Chrismas. I would like a Aulus vr headset. I would like more plushes.


William Pettit

Dear Santa,

How is it in the north pole? I am writing to tell you what I want for Chismas. I want some Jordans. I want some new head phones.


Giovanni Castillo

Dear Santa,

How is it in the north pole?  I am writing this to tell you what I want. I want a laptop. I will like everyone to be happy.


William Duckett

Dear Santa,

I believe in you, but I am I on the good list? I’m writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. I would like a mopad in pink and a Nintendo Switch.


Ni’Yunee Anthony

Dear Santa,

How are you doing in the North pole? I’m writing to tell you what I want for Chrismas. I would like a nintindo. I would like a ps5.


DeAndre White

Dear Santa,

How you been in the North Pole? I am writing to tell you what I want. I really want a new house.I want a lot of money.


Gabbie Williams

Dear Santa,

How is it in the North Pole? I am writing to tell you what I want. I would like a book. I would like a nentedo.



Dear Santa,

How are you doing today? I am writing so I can tell you what I want for Chrismas. I want a ps5. Next I want a ps4.


Chris Akin

Dear Santa,

How is it in the North Pole? I am writing to tell you what I want. I want a book have words to find. I want a color books of a cartoon bluey.


Melanie Sosa

Dear Santa,

How have you been since last year? I’m writing this letter to tell you what i want for Christmas. I would like Jordans for Chrismas. I would like a football to take to school.


John Ryders Kurenek

Dear Santa,

How is the North Pole? I am writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a new xbox, xsires. I want a new pair of Jordans.


Halee Vincent

Dear Santa,

What is one of your elve’s name. I am writing this leter to you what I want for christmas. First, I would relly like a horse. Next, I would like a pritty holiday barbie. Last, I would like a relly fast tiny forwiller.


Ruby Cornelius

Dear Santa,

Hello Santa, how has your day been going? For Christmas can I have $250 dollars and a Mitopia and thatss it.


Major Coulter

Dear Santa,

I believe in you Santa. I am writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a oxalatle and VR head set. I want a Nintendo Switch.


Kannon Chalmers

Dear Santa,

How is all of the reindeer and rudolph? I am writing to tell you what I want for christmas. I would like a new ps5 for Christmas and I would like the new jordan one’s.

