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Students presented laptops at Rotary

By John Miller, 05/24/22 6:57 PM

PRESCOTT – Christmas came early for nine recent graduates of Prescott High School as they were presented laptops from the Prescott Rotary Club Tuesday.

The students were asked to tell the club where they were going to college and  what they were majoring in as they were given the laptops. Their answers ranged from fashion design to nursing to electrical engineering. The meeting was held at Curry’s Community Outreach Center, which was packed for the occasion.

The featured speaker was Ron Majors, who told the club it did a wonderful thing for the seniors, adding he’s known most of them since they were two. Young people, he said, need to know they’re appreciated. He reminded the Rotarians charity begins at home and it’s important to encourage young people and stay in their lives. However, he added, when young people leave Prescott, few return. “I don’t know what Prescott will be like in five years if they don’t start coming back.”

Majors said small towns are a blessing as they provide the opportunity for people to share their lives with young people and build relationships with teachers and community leaders. “We want young people to be good citizens and excel in the community.” He pointed out young people need to be willing to make sacrifices to maintain the nation’s creed, but it’s up to the older folks to nurture them, which takes time, effort and energy. He continued saying young people need to connect with and feel safe in their communities.