Local Ham Radio Group Takes Part In Field Day

By photo by Paul Oller, 07/12/22 7:48 PM

The LAHOG (Lower Arkansas Ham Operators Group) group of Ham Radio Operators participated in the ARRL Field Day exercise. This test is in a form of a contest to gain as many contacts in remote or unusual locations to show how radios can work. There was two sites this year, one in Nevada Co. and one in Hempstead Co. . This was done to test interoperitibly between the two Counties. It was successful to present to our served agencies. Over 175 contacts was made, using many different modes. Such as sending and receiving photos, sending emails via radio not internet until delivered to recipient, communicating via satellite along with making contact via ISS, and plain and simple voice communication. Contacts was made in most of the 50 States, along with New Zealand, Germany, France and Spain. Canada was logged at 4 different Providences. Those working and having a fun filled 24 hours was, Eddie Daniel, David Crowder,& Karmel Kuhn locally along with over 600,000 world wide.