Hope Public Schools Seek Nominations to 2020 Educator Hall of Fame

Hope Public Schools seeks nominations for the 2022 Educator Hall of Fame ballot.
In order for a person to be eligible for induction into the Hall of Fame, the nominee must meet the following requirements:
- Be retired from the field of education (Ex: Not currently working as an educator);
- Must have served a MINIMUM of ten (10) years as an educator in Hope Public Schools;
- Posthumous nominations are accepted.
All nominations should be submitted on separate forms, so fill out one (1) form per nominee.
The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, September 9, 2022 at 4:00pm. The form will be turned off and no further entries will be accepted after that time.
Nominations MUST be submitted using the form linked below:
Educator Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Questions may be directed to David Henderson, Communications Director: david.henderson@hpsdistrict.