Hope City Board

The Hope City Board met Tuesday for their first meeting of the new year.

Following the prayer and pledge, the new board members were sworn in.  Don Still, Dr. Linda Clark, Mark Ross, and Steve Montgomery were sworn in by Circuit Judge Joe Short for new terms.  The board then went into executive session at 7:03pm to discuss choosing a new Mayor and Vice-Mayor.  The meeting then reconvened at 7:09pm.

Mayor Don Still was reelected as Mayor and sworn in by Judge Short.  Kiffenea Talley was sworn in for a second term as Vice-Mayor.  The board then approved the minutes of the previous meeting.

The board discussed removing Retired City Manager Catherine Cook from signature duties on city accounts.  A proposal was made to add Acting City Manager J.R. Wilson, Amber Murr, and Cindy Clark to these accounts.  The board also added Acting Chief of Police Kim Tomlin to the Hope Police Bonds and Fines Account and the Appearance Bond Account.

The board discussed removing a chlorinated wastewater disinfection system at the East Wastewater Plant and replace it with an Ultra Violent Light Disinfection System.  The city had hoped to complete this by mid 2023 but Wilson said that isn’t possible.  He outlined five different options including seeking more grant funds, borrow money from an outside source, borrow money from a non-restricted city fund, just fund it from a non-restricted fund, or just pay for it, possibly from ARPA funds.   The cost would be about a half-million dollars.  Discussion ensued.  Director Mark Ross moved they use ARPA funds, Reggie Easter seconded it, and the motion passed.

The board considered bids for City Hall landscaping and yard services.. The city received one bid for $4,400 from Silvey Lawn Care.  The board accepted the bid pending proof of required indemnifications.

The board looked at bids for Rose Hill/Cave Hill Grounds Maintenance.  The board received two bids, one for $36,386 from Justin’s Lawn Care and one for $41,500 from Silvey Lawn Care.  Mayor Still asked if the Rose Hill Cemetery Association will help and Wilson said they have committed to $20,000.  Discussion ensued.  The board voted to table the issue until Wilson can get more information on the bidders.

Interim City Manager noted Catherine Cook appreciation day is Thursday January 5th from 4 to 6pm at Hempstead Hall.  Remarks will start at 5:15pm.  Those attending are asked to RSVP to City Hall.

Wilson gave updates on 6th Street, the Street Scape, and noted he will be bringing a proposal on a needed monitoring well for the landfill.  Wilson also noted they will begin working on capital needs from each City Department.

Under Citizens Requests Mitzi Coker addressed the board. She talked about giving money to Tyson production workers.  Coker also discussed replacing dilapidated housing with new, affordable housing.  She specifically mentioned possible redevelopment on Dairy Street.  Mayor Still thanked her for adopting Hope.  The meeting then adjourned.