High Tunnel Production Workshop coming to Hope
HOPE – Are you interested in constructing a high tunnel for growing produce, or do you have a high tunnel already and want to learn the fundamentals of sustainable production?
There will be a free workshop on Thursday, March 23rd at University of Arkansas Southwest Research and Extension Center in Hope. U of A horticulture specialists will speak on crop selection, soil fertility, insect, weed, and disease management, safe harvest and handling of produce, and there will be a grower discussion session as well to ask questions to fellow growers and Extension specialists. NRCS and Farm Credit will also be present to speak on their funding programs. Additionally, there will be a tour of an assembled tunnel and talk on structure. Lunch is provided.
This program is open to all! Please call the Hempstead Co. Extension Office at 870-777-5771 to sign up before March 20th or sign up online: https://forms.office.com/r/NYVQ9NUibY.