Livestock report

STEERS – Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
10 300-345 328 245.00-290.00 263.29
12 350-395 377 225.00-275.00 252.63
24 400-445 421 220.00-262.50 241.28
2 445 445 250.00 250.00 Value Added
23 450-495 472 220.00-262.50 238.66
14 500-545 523 210.00-250.00 234.03
4 505-515 513 225.00-235.00 232.49 Value Added
4 555-575 566 215.00-235.00 224.89
4 555-565 563 232.50-242.50 234.97 Value Added
4 600-635 614 200.00-222.50 212.11
10 600-625 607 209.00-217.50 214.68 Value Added
4 655-680 669 197.00-217.50 202.18
4 655-695 673 198.00-213.00 205.99 Value Added
1 710 710 186.00 186.00
12 705 705 195.00 195.00 Value Added
1 775 775 179.00 179.00
3 805-820 813 172.00-182.50 175.80
1 850 850 170.00 170.00
2 905 905 172.00 172.00
STEERS – Medium and Large 2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Compared to last week: Feeder steers 3.00-10.00 higher. Feeder heifers 5.00-10.00 instances 15.00 higher. Slaughter cows steady.
Slaughter bulls steady to 2.00 higher. Quality was average. Buyer were aggressive on most classes of cattle. Cattle in good grazing condition
were in high demand. Recent record highs in the fat cattle market has helped set a higher tone in the calf market. Next week will be the 3rd
Thursday special stock cow sale. Expecting 200+ stock cows in addition to the regular weekly run. Supply included: 83% Feeder Cattle (49%
Steers, 44% Heifers, 7% Bulls); 15% Slaughter Cattle (92% Cows, 8% Bulls); 2% Replacement Cattle (14% Bred Cows, 86% Cow-Calf Pairs).
Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 22%.
This Week Last Reported
Last Year
Total Receipts: 916 472 416
Feeder Cattle: 761(83.1%) 389(82.4%) 309(74.3%)
Slaughter Cattle: 140(15.3%) 73(15.5%) 87(20.9%)
Replacement Cattle: 15(1.6%) 10(2.1%) 20(4.8%)
Livestock Weighted Average Report for 4/13/2023 – Final
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 300-345 324 205.00-210.00 207.49
3 405-430 413 195.00 195.00
3 450-485 472 180.00-190.00 184.98
3 505-520 515 175.00-185.00 179.95
1 595 595 175.00 175.00
HEIFERS – Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
8 300-340 320 210.00-242.50 225.55
8 355-395 374 215.00-245.00 222.37
2 375 375 231.00 231.00 Value Added
13 400-445 417 205.00-240.00 221.32
10 400-440 416 222.50-242.00 232.93 Value Added
21 450-495 468 198.00-225.00 209.99
10 450-495 468 212.50-225.00 220.02 Value Added
9 500-545 519 192.50-215.00 203.73
4 540-545 543 205.00-210.00 207.49 Value Added
11 550-590 568 185.00-215.00 196.15
2 575 575 207.50 207.50 Value Added
4 610-620 616 177.00-195.00 185.47
7 600-620 610 192.50-200.00 196.18 Value Added
3 650-675 663 174.00-187.00 178.74
2 680 680 185.00 185.00 Value Added
2 700-725 713 170.00-177.00 173.56
2 770-785 778 160.00-162.50 161.26
1 865 865 135.00 135.00
HEIFERS – Medium and Large 2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 300-335 320 178.00-197.00 189.75
3 350-365 357 190.00-200.00 194.93
5 410-445 435 178.00-190.00 183.54
3 455-475 468 174.00-175.00 174.68
2 520-525 523 170.00-175.00 172.49
2 565-590 578 155.00-158.00 156.53
BULLS – Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
9 450-495 472 200.00-211.00 206.23
2 525-545 535 190.00-192.50 191.27
5 550-585 568 185.00-205.00 192.49