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Koger named Citizen of the Year

By John Miller, 04/19/23 9:52 AM

PRESCOTT – Reed Koger was named Citizen of the Year at the 2023 Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Banquet Tuesday evening.

The banquet was held in the cafeteria of Prescott Junior High School, with the Prescott Fire Department smoking the chicken and the FCCLA students serving the meals. The cafeteria was packed with what could be the largest banquet crowd ever.

Koger, on accepting the award, said no one was more surprised than him to receive the honor. He acknowledged his wife, Becky, saying they’re blessed to be part of this community. He credited her for working hard, adding they’re nothing special, just people trying to help people. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be,” Koger said, adding he wants Prescott to be somewhere his children and grandchildren can grow up and live without having to go somewhere else.

Jamie Hillery, executive director of the Chamber, said it meant the world having everyone at the banquet and without the community’s help, such events couldn’t be held. She recognized the politicians, local officials, schools and media present, along with thanking the PFD for preparing the chicken. She also pointed out the outgoing members of the Chamber Board as well as the incoming members.

The evening began with the silent auction, with items lining both sides of the hall at PJHS, and a gun raffle, where a .308 was won by Darren Neal. A live auction followed that raised $3,360 with the biggest fundraiser being a print of Razorback Stadium donated by Holcim.

From there it was time for honors and accolades. First up was the 2022 Farm Family of the Year, Chance and Haley Cummings.

The business leadership award went to Herndon-Fuqua Funeral Home, with owner Vickers Fuqua saying he was surprised at the honor and loves being part of the community.

Tonda Pennington presented the student and teacher of the year for the Nevada School District. Tynesha Young went home with the student of the year plaque, thanking her teachers, others around her and her family. Ladonna Burns was tabbed Nevada Teacher of the Year.

Next up was student of the year for Prescott, with Tommy Poole presenting the award to Carston Poole, saying he’s not only a good student, but a better person than he is athlete.

There was no “teacher of the year” as such. Robert Poole, instead, presented two plaques to “employees of the year” saying nothing would be done without their help and nothing goes on without their knowing it. This honor went to Valerie Cobb and Freddie Burkes.

The organization of the year went to the Prescott Lions Club. The club began in 1972, currently has 11 active members, serves the community by helping pay for eye exams and eyeglasses for the needy, provides scholarships for graduating seniors and has a first responder fish fry annually. Penny Lynch, club president, thanked the Chamber for the honor, saying giving back is what it’s all about. “If you’re not part of a club or organization that gives back, join one,” she said.

The Treasure of Gold award went to the 2018 Citizen of the Year, Howard Austin. Austin said the award was a surprise, returning to the story of how he only came to Prescott to teach for one year and wound up staying. “I’m a person who cares about the community and kids. This is a shocker to me. I don’t desire awards and I appreciate this.”

Ricky Hopkins was named Hometown Hero. Hopkins spent 32 years in the Arkansas National Guard, joining in 1985. He married in 1990 and has three children. He joined the military full-time in 1998 becoming a recruiter for the guard, and became a full-time staff sgt. in 2001. Hopkins went to Iraq with the 39th Infantry Brigade in 2008.

In accepting the award, Hopkins said, “I’ve always been blessed to do what I loved.”

The finale was Citizen of the Year. Koger is a graduate of PHS, attended college at Louisiana Tech and Southern Arkansas University, has been on the Prescott School Board 11 years, is married with two daughters and one granddaughter. In 1998 he became a poultry farmer and also has a cow-calf operation. He and his wife opened a successful business in 2015, KoFields, which has becoming a meeting place for farmers and members of the community.

Hillery closed congratulating all the winners, adding it was a wonderful evening celebrating wonderful individuals. She thanked Angie Wren for the decorations and her assistant, Jade Cornelius, for going above and beyond at the Chamber.