“Running Out of Hope, Arkansas” Singer Says No Tie To Hope, Just Like the Way It Sounds

Last week,  a friend in Little Rock sent us a link to a song called “Running Out of Hope, Arkansas” and we gave it a listen.  While we didn’t think it was quite accurate about the Hope we know (it mentions a boarded up main drag…that’s certainly not accurate) many young people see small towns as places to escape from.  The song is quite good and we asked Ms. Leigh, though her publicist, about the origins of her song.  Here’s the reply we received…

“With apologies to Hope, Arkansas, I have no historical connection to her…I just like her name. Driving from
Texas to Tennessee got me thinking about her, and I sat down with Silas to hammer this one out. Admittedly we couldn’t resist exploiting her name a little, and as songwriters…part of our job is to make up stories. This song is for anyone who’s felt stuck somewhere…in a rut, in a town, in a job, in a relationship, in a city. Sometimes the only thing that gets us out of a situation is hope itself, so the word felt right. Like all of my songs, it’s part fact, part fiction. Mostly truth with “some stretchers,” (thanks Mark Twain)..
“Ain’t Through Honky Tonkin’ Yet”
Out June 16, 2023 on Signature Sounds Recordings
Ms. Brennen is a talented singer/songwriter and we’re quite impressed with her songs and singing.  You can check out her song on youtube or purchase it on spotify.
Oh, and Ms. Brennen?  The next time you’re through here, let us know and we’ll treat you to lunch at Tailgater’s!