Hope Man Opens His Own Rest Stop in Lafayette County

There was a time when rest stops and roadside parks dotted the highways of America. But as time went on, governments have gotten away from rest stops as more and more retail establishments have sprung up to offer restrooms, areas in which motorists can stretch their legs, and areas to walk traveling dogs. A Hope man has taken the reverse path by opening his own rest stop on family property in Lafayette County. The rest stop is on highway 29 south between the Lafayette County Line and Lewisvills.

God’s Little Acre is designed as a peaceful respite in today’s busy world. Jimmy Ivers, the owner wants to preserve the barn which was recognized by rural Arkansas magazine as one of the 8 most unusual barns in the state. The barn was built by his great-grandparents the Hulls in 1913 and he wants it to be standing for his grandchildren when he passes.

The rest stop is a work in progress At the moment there are chairs, a picnic table, a restroom, and where travelers can charge their cellphones. There are games such as badminton, horseshoes, and tellaball with volleyball to come soon. Ivers will also add cooking pits eventually. Future plans call for a trail to a pond filled with fish in a field behind the rest stop. He also plans to add primitive camping in the 65 acres behind the Acre.

Ivers, when giving a tour, pointed out the live oaks surrounding the property which have been there a good long time.

Tours of the barn are available so visitors can look at old architecture. There is a hay spear in the loft. Ivers noted the barn had been central to his family with many family memories connected to it.

Ivers has felt called to open his property as a service to the community. He recently held an Easter egg hunt and nearly 70 people turned out. He says people have stopped but not as many as he has wanted.

Motorists looking for a place to stop and rest will probably not find a more scenic rest area in the U.S. God’s Little Acre is open 7 days a week 8am until 8pm. Whether you’re on a long trip or just looking for a place to stop on a Sunday Drive, God’s Little Acre is waiting for you!