Prescott Resident Named to 2023 Wells Fargo Advisors Platinum Council

Dean Oliver, Senior Vice President-Investments has been named to the 2023 Wells Fargo Advisors Platinum Council. This accolade represents a list of professionals that come to work with one goal in mind and that is helping their clients succeed.
Hot Springs, Arkansas – March 4,2023 –Robert Zunick, Branch Manager and Dean Oliver ,Senior Vice Prsident-Investments of The Zunick – Oliver Financial Consulting Group of Wells Fargo Advisors in Hot Springs, Arkansas have been named to the 2023 Wells Fargo Advisors Platinum Council.
This accolade represents a list of professionals that come to work with one goal on their minds – helping their clients succeed.
Dean Oliver has 19 years of experience in the financial services industry. Oliver is a graduate of Southern Arkansas University where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance. He is a native of and current resident of Prescott. He works for the Wells Fargo branch in Hot Springs.