First United Methodist in Hope is Now a Missional Congregation
Church leaders of Hope First United Methodist were pleased to welcome Rev. Edna Morgan and Rev. Dr. Michael Roberts to Hope Wednesday, October 4. Rev. Morgan is the Arkansas United Methodist Conference District Superintendent for the Southwest District and Rev. Roberts is director of the Arkansas Conference ReStart Initiative, created to provide support, care, and opportunities for Methodists who wish to remain United Methodist after a church vote to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Conference.
During the visit, efforts by First United Methodists of Hope — toward becoming a “chartered” congregation of the Arkansas Conference — were reviewed; and plans to continue working toward setting up the best possible witness were encouraged. Rev. Roberts asked for a motion to accept the designation of “missional congregation” for Hope First United Methodists. The motion was made and approved by the congregation leaders, with Rev. Roberts announcing that the name First United Methodist Church of Hope is appropriate for the congregation, and much joy was expressed by the Hope church leaders.
Pictured are, from left, Rev. Michael Roberts, Hope FUMC music leader Debbie Malek, Hope FUMC lay leader Catherine Cook, and District Superintendent Rev. Edna Morgan.