Hope Civitan Club Hears From Akili Moses Israel of UAHT

Akili Moses Israel, left, Director of Industry Outreach, Community Education, and Kid’s College at the University of Arkansas-Hope/Texarkana, recently addressed the Hope Civitan Club on programs carried out through her department, including workforce education, programs of community engagement, and Kid’s College — focused on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math).

     She was accompanied by Racie Poindexter (right), Community Education coordinator, and the two pointed out specific programs such as forklift and CDL license training for workforce development, cookie and cake decorating and salsa-making as examples of community engagement, and “Camp Save-a-Life” and “Engineering and Manufacturing Camp of Creativity” as summer youth programs, along with Kid’s College.  They are pictured with Civitan President Mona Still.

     Both were enthusiastic about Solar Express Events scheduled to prepare the community for the total solar eclipse to take place April 8 of next year.  The Central Arkansas Astronomical Society Workshop for the Public will take place November 13 at 5 p.m. in Hempstead Hall on the UAHT campus.  The workshop will feature NASA Partner Eclipse Ambassadors Carl Freyaldenhoven and Darcy Howard, and will help participants learn about eclipses in Arkansas and how to prepare for the total solar eclipse next April.  For more information, go to www.uaht.edu/solar-express.