Rev. Rodney Steele to Speak at FUMC Christmas Eve at 10:30am and at 4pm

First United Methodist Church of Hope invites everyone to celebrate Christmas Eve Communion at 4 p.m. with our congregation and the Rev. Rodney Steele of Hope.  His message will be “Celebrating God’s Word Becoming Uniquely Human.”

     Rev. Steele, although retired, has been the guest pastor at FUMC each Sunday in Advent, beginning December 3. His messages focused on God’s gifts of Hope, Joy, and Peace, as the Advent Candle was lit by a different family each week during the Sunday morning service.
      His Advent message for this Sunday morning, 10:30 a.m., December 24, will be “Celebrating God’s Unique Gift of Love,” leading up to the 4 p.m. service culminating in Communion, which is open to all.
      First United Methodist Church meets at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church at 301 S. Elm Street in Hope.  All are welcome to join us this Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and again at 4 p.m. for Christmas Eve Communion.
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