Rosston city hall to be renovated

ROSSTON – Rosston’s City Council, in its January meeting, voted to move forward on getting a loan to renovate the Rosston City Hall.

This was done Monday night at the council’s first meeting of 2024. The city has been approved for a loan from the Bank of Delight in the amount of $58,600. The loan carries a 4.5 percent interest rate and a monthly payment of $605.05. The city will be using its Certificates of Deposit (CDs) as collateral for the loan.

Renovating city hall has been something Rosston Mayor Dale Quarles has been trying to do for years. His first attempt failed because the city couldn’t get a grant to help defray the costs. From there, COVID-19, prevented anything from being done. Quarles will advertise in three publications to get bids for the project. He said hopes are to get started soon, but weather will be a factor. In the meantime, the council will continue meeting in the fire department. In fact, once renovation begins, all city hall business will be handled at the fire department until the work is completed.

Quarles told the council the city has been approved for street aid in the amount of $292,000. The money will be used to pave 117 by the school and get it completed.

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