Prepare for cleaning up after eclipse

On Monday, April 8, 2024, a full solar eclipse will travel diagonally through the state of Arkansas and there are already more than 1.5 million visitors expected to join us for this event.
Many Arkansas businesses, towns, and hospitality organizations have been preparing for this influx of travelers to our state. But do any of these plans include waste management? Even though it is a less glamorous aspect of event coordination, waste planning must be a priority to preserve our “Natural State.”

Gas Station Operators
Plan Early, Act Often and Avoid the Messy AftermathP lan Early, Act Often and Avoid the Messy Aftermath

*  Storage tanks should be filled early and often, especially in rural areas. Talk to your fuel supplier early to arrange additional fuel drops, if necessary.
• Empty trash receptacles often to prevent overflow.
• Develop a clean-up strategy to prevent excess litter from the anticipated increase in fuel
station traffic.
• Remember YOU are ultimately responsible for clean-up and disposal of all waste and trash
generated on your property from the event.
• Consider providing trash bags to all guests and place receptacles in convenient locations.
• Post signs that encourage proper waste management and indicate trash collection locations.
Land Owners and RV Park Operators
After the Event
• Consult with your Solid Waste Management District, County Office of Emergency
Management, or waste hauler to coordinate proper pick up and disposal of waste.
• Help ensure all trash is properly contained and choose a waste staging area with easy
access for pick up.
• DON’T BURN IT! — Arkansas law prohibits burning of household wastes to protect
residents and visitors from hazardous emissions.