Hope Public Schools seeks input on 2024-2025 School Calendar

By Mark Keith, 02/13/24 2:12 PM
HOPE – Hope Public Schools (HPS) is seeking input from its students, teachers, parents, and community regarding the 2024-2025 school calendar. Three options are being presented by the HPS Certified Personnel Policy Committee (PPC): a traditional calendar that closely matches the current one, a hybrid calendar in which students would start on July 18 and finish on May 30, and another hybrid option in which students start on July 25 and finish on June 6.
The hybrid schedules provide for week-long breaks spread throughout the school year. For example, campuses would be closed the first full week in September and October, all of Thanksgiving week, two weeks at Christmas, the week of President’s Day in February 2025, spring break in March, and specific Friday-Monday combinations in April and May. Summer break would be abbreviated to early June through mid/late-July, depending on which hybrid option is selected.
All three of the calendar options include provisions for inclement weather make-up days should the district need to use them.
The survey is open starting Monday, February 12th and will run for one week.