Trio honored at council meeting

PRESCOTT – Tuesday was honors night at the February meeting of the Prescott City Council.

The meeting began with Mayor Terry Oliver recognizing Tony Gillard’s 32-years of officiating youth basketball. Oliver said Gillard also officiates fifth and sixth grade football. Next up was Satara Williams, who was honored for completing 21 hours of training to become certified as a municipal official with the Arkansas Municipal League. Patricia Roberts was also lauded for being certified with the AML, having more than 40 hours of training.

Paul Ridgell spoke to the council about the upcoming solar eclipse. He said the Prairie D’Ane battlefield will be set up to house 50 tents and 25 recreational vehicles for tourists wanting to watch the eclipse locally. The charge will be $50 per day for the RVs and $25 per day for the tents. The battlefield will be ready for the event from April 5-9. Food trucks could also be brought in.

He told the council the lot across from the Nevada County Depot Museum is also available, but doesn’t have electricity.

In other business, Jamie Hillery, executive director of the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce, informed the council of upcoming events. Women in Prescott will have its Handbag Bingo Friday, Feb. 23, at the Barn at Willow Oaks. On Feb. 27, Ko-Fields will host a community coffee from 9:30-11 a.m. and the Kiwanis Club will hold its annual chili lunch at First Methodist Church from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. She added this year’s Easter Egg Hunt will be held at City Park again, with the parks department, Kiwanis Club, Lions Club and Prescott Police Department helping out. She closed reminding the panel this year’s chamber banquet will be April 23.

As the meeting neared its end, Oliver was asked about a city attorney. He said letters are being prepared to send the seven applicants and the interview process could take up to three days, depending on the attorney’s schedules.

Carlos Van Hook, parks director, reminded the council there’s a fundraiser for baseball program Monday at 11:30 at the City Park. There will be hamburgers and pulled pork sandwiches, chips and a drink available for 410.