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Apple tree planted for Arbor Day

By John Miller, 03/12/24 2:25 PM

PRESCOTT – Members of the Prescott City Council, along with others, gathered around an apple tree planted at the walking trail by city employees.

The tree planting was in celebration of Arbor Day, a national day celebrating the environment, trees and the benefits they bring, according to Mary Godwin, executive director of the Prescott-Nevada County Economic Development Office. She said each year Prescott tries to plant a new tree on city property and, for the first time, this year an apple tree was planted. The first tree planted was done by a group in Leadership Nevada County and the city has been adding to them since.

Also as part of the Arbor Day celebration, third grade students at Prescott and Nevada elementary are asked to compete in an art contest. The top three from each school is selected with the winners getting a Sonic gift card. For Prescott, Michael Massanelli was the winner with Miranda Chapel second and Landon Douglas third. At Nevada, Amina Blakely was first, with Faith Adams second and Swazey Moten third. Douglas and Adams were absent when the pictures were taken, but still received their prize.