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Rosston City Hall being renovated

By John Miller, 04/9/24 10:07 AM

ROSSTON – By the time May rolls around, the Rosston City Council may be able to hold its monthly meeting in a newly renovated City Hall.

Dale Quarles, Rosston mayor, told the panel, at its April meeting Monday night, construction is going faster than expected with the roof already done and sides ready to be put on. “It will be nice when it’s done,” he said, “and we might be able to hold our next meeting there.”

He asked, and received, permission to spend up to $6,000 on new furniture for City Hall, including a new desk for himself (as the other one fell apart when it was moved) and an oval table for the council itself, along with new chairs. Chairs will also be purchased for visitors.

When people walk in to the “new” City Hall, they’ll be in a foyer where they can pay their water bill. The meeting room will be separate so no one is disturbed. Quarles said renovation plans include improving the bathroom in City Hall as well. He pointed out the city will be outright buying the furniture instead of purchasing it on credit and the money will come from the city general fund.

In talking about the city’s finances, the council was informed there was a $7,500 increase in revenue in March and $11,000 in April, though sales tax collection was $120 less than a month ago.

Quarles challenged the council to come up with something to do to help the volunteer firemen. He said they face dangerous situations and have to see and deal with things that are hard to handle at times. This, he continued, affects them mentally. “I’m trying to find an incentive for the firemen to help them,” he said, “and I’m looking for ideas.”

The final part of the meeting wasn’t as pleasant. Quarles said the city will soon have to do a mandatory water rate study and could be required to increase water rates for those on the Rosston Rural Water System. He pointed out this is required by the state and Rosston doesn’t have a choice in the matter. He promised to keep the public informed on what’s happening when the time comes.