One man died early Thursday evening while repairs were under way to repair a section of Union Pacific railroad track near McNeil.

Danny Brent Wilkins, 43, of Rison was struck by a piece of heavy equipment, Columbia County Sheriff Leroy Martin said in a statement.

The Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene about 6:50 p.m. about 2 miles east of the Arkansas 98-U.S. 79 intersection.

Union Pacific work crews were repairing a washout area on the railroad tracks from the recent days of heavy rain when the accident happened

After emergency crews responded, Coroner Randy Reed pronounced Wilkins deceased. Martin said that because of the nature of the accident, Wilkins’ body will be sent to the Arkansas State Crime Laboratory for examination.

Investigators from Union Pacific Railroad, Arkansas State Police and the Sheriff’s Office will continue to investigate the accident, Martin said.