Garrett Memoria Christian School Graduation

With a focus on Christianity, Garrett Memorial Christian School held their graduation at Hempstead Hall on Saturday (5-18). Administrator and Principal Christi Zumwalt gave the welcome. She talked about having taught the class and how close they had been.
Madison Faulkner, the student council president gave the invocation.
There was a song, “In Christ Alone/the Solid Rock” sung by the Saints Singers.
The ceremony included a recounting of the senior class trip, a trip to DC and one to New York. The senior class trip by Mikayla Fields included humorous reactions to encountering a dolphin and a platypus as part of a detailed recounting of the trip.
There was a special surprise for the students of recorded video of past teachers addressing the graduates. The teachers all had fond memories of the students with one talking about the joy despite some injuries.
The Valedictorian speech was given by Bailey Hayes. and the Salutatorian by Shelby Ratliff.
Robert Parker and Christi Zumwalt presented the diplomas and Baylee Pool gave the benediction.
Many of the students received scholarships with Tyler Crane receiving $26,000, Mikayla Fields $32,500, Bailey Hayes $59,000 and Shelby Ratcliff $43,000. Not only is a partial list of those already received but more are yet to be received.
After the ceremony was over the graduates went across the Hall to greet those attending the ceremony.