Rotarians learn about Hamilton Haven

By submitted, 05/24/24 3:37 PM

PRESCOTT – Members of Prescott’s Rotary Club learned about Hamilton Haven Tuesday at the club’s regular meeting.

They were told it’s a non-profit organization with 501c3 status and all donations are tax deductible. Christy Higgenbotham, who spoke to the club, said it opened in 2020. The purpose is to provide temporary housing for those in need, such as people who have lost their homes due to fire or other natural disaster.

The house, renovated with volunteer help, has been occupied 52 percent of the time since opening and the average length of stay since it began has been 35.2 days in 2020. In 2024, it’s been occupied 71 percent of the time with people staying 28.7 days.

The majority of residents have been women-led households, she said, though this isn’t by design. While many have been low income families, quite a few haven’t, and are people who have gone through a disaster.

Higgenbotham said residents of Prescott and Nevada County are given priority, but others can also be served if the house is available. Requirements for staying aren’t income bases, but are need based for those with nowhere else to go.

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