No free beer at derailment site

By Mark Keith, 05/30/24 5:58 PM
Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office:
                                     NO FREE BEER AT THE TRAIN DERAILMENT IN EMMET
                                                 STAY AWAY FROM THE DERAILMENT SITE
There has been a recent Facebook post by someone telling people that there is free beer at the site of the train derailment at the Feed Mill in Emmet. This is not true. So please stay away from the site and do not enter the feed mill parking lot to ask where the free beer is. Union Pacific and contractors have heavy machinery and workers trying to clear the site and it is not a safe environment for anyone not involved in the clean-up.
Union Pacific Railroad Police and Hempstead County Deputies have been stationed at the site to deter any looting of the cargo. You will face Trespassing and Theft of Property charges if you enter the feed mill lot or take anything from the site of the derailment.